Terminated By Amazon

A few days ago I got a message from Amazon stating I violated content guidelines and as a result, my account has been terminated.

I knew this day would eventually come.  Last year Amazon banned over 80 of my books/bundles.  It was only a matter of time until they terminated my entire account.

That doesn’t, however, make this termination any less shitty.  Being banned by Amazon is a huge blow to my monthly royalties.  Monthly royalties that I sure could use in a time like this.

Oh well, must move on.  There are plenty of other places online to publish my work and that’s exactly what I plan to do.  Over the next couple of months, I’ll be using the quarantine to reformat the hundreds of books/bundles I’ve got in my catalog and pimping them elsewhere.  Until then, I’ve got a bunch of material on Smashwords that will be available  for 60% off until April 20th.

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